Chapter VI
Representation of Data and Analytic Results

6.1  Maps for Quail Hollow State Park
     Maps are valuable tools to display  the completed GIS data layers and the habitat acquisition analysis.  The values of mapping for observation of wildlife habitats (from Kerr 1986, p.49) are:
 1.  Show geographic locations of wildlife habitat types
 2.  Show relationships of types to other types
 3.  Show community (types of habitat) interspersion
 4.  Quantify types of wildlife habitat
 5.  Overlay wildife habitat types with other resource inventories
 6.  Provide geographic locators in which to to record site-specific animal occurrence
     The GIS database for Quail Hollow State Park provides information to park management for planning and visualizing the park environments.  Maps produced from basic data layers of roads, trails, habitats and points of interests depict real-world spatial associations within the park boundaries.  Other maps of wetlands, land use and soils show  the Quail Hollow State Park  environment  compared to similar or disimilar areas within the buffer area surrounding the park.
     A number of maps were created from multiple data layers as examples for showing the usefulness of the GIS data.  There are numerous variations and combinations of the layers that could be used for other demonstration, visualization or map creation.  The ESRI  software package ARCVIEW  (ESRI 1996) was used for the final display of maps.  ARCVIEW has general GIS capabilites for overlaying data layers.  The user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI) allows the user to conduct limited spatial analysis as well as the  creation of maps, charts and tables.
     Map 1.  The aerial photographs from 1985 and 1995 provides the observer with basic knowledge of the park area.  A number of geographical landscape observations can be made using the photo.  The  first observation is that the park seems to be  an ‘island' surrounded by a matrix of residential and agricultural  land use.
     A number of roads are parallel to the park boundaries.  For example,  Pontius Street borders the park on the north and lies along the imaginary county line dividing Portage and Stark county.  The theme layer of roads is used throughout the map displays since it offers the map user an easy reference  for the location of the BSA and QHSP.
     Identification and visualization of vegetation types can be accomplished with the aerial photograph.  There are large areas of  woodlands and wetland within QHSP. Within the BSA, woodlands are interspersed with open fields.  Most of the open fields are in agricultural production or lie vacant for future agricultural use.
Numerous buildings and other man-made structures are clearly visible.   A large lake, Congress Lake, can be seen to the west of the park.  Along  the southeast part of the lake is a golf course with the sand traps clearly visible.
    The QHSP road can be seen entering from Congress Lake Avenue and curving toward the Natural History Study Center.  A large loop off the roadway indicates a parking area, and nearby, a small pond.  Much of the observed vegetation within the park are low areas, such as marsh, or bog  wetlands  and dense coniferous woods.  The four  GPS point coordinates used for photo registration and orthophoto correction are also identified.
     Map 2.  Endangered species with the DEM.  This map shows the location of  some endangered species,  and species of special interest within the park. The point locations of the species of  birds are observances made by  ODNR  of  a single sighting of a  species.  There are a large number of  endangered and special interest bird and plant species distributed throughout the QHSP and the BSA (map inset).
     The map identifies sightings and locations of a bird of special interest, the Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus), and an endangered plant species Spiral Pondweed (Potamogeton  spirillus).  These two species are used as examples of the usefullness of the GIS as a planning and visual tool for park management in the Habitat Acquisition Model (HAM) analyses in Chapter 7.
     The DEM is used to display the topography of QHSP and the hydrology and open water.  The topography  in the DEM has been  exagerated by a factor of  1.5 times.  This exageration is necessary because elevations are very moderate within QHSP (1130 feet to 1220 feet).  Visualizing topography and  riparian areas such as the shallow marsh on the north boundary of QHSP may be useful for  wetland and/or habitat analysis. Visualization of habitats  may also be valuable for land acquisition or preservation considerations.
    Map 3.  Points of interest overlayed with trails.  This map provides the visitor to QHSP with a visual perspective  of trails for walking and horseback riding.   Two main parking areas are identified and the park road leads to the Natural History Study Center.  The trails in the park are identified with varied line symbols and colors.  The Bridle Trail begins near the parking lot loop where horses can be off-loaded from trailers.  The Hiking Path Trail begins at the parking lot loop and leads to the Natural History Study Center. Points of interest near the study center are the Herb Garden and picnic area. The  path continues,  intersecting the Deciduous Forest and Coniferous Forest trails and leading to the large pond at the north boundary of the park.  It returns south through the park with a loop to the Bird Blind, onto a smaller pond and finally ending at the loop parking area. This map is a useful  tool for  recreational users of  QHSP.  Visualization of areas bounded by trails can also identify habitat of various birds and animals.

6.2  Maps of the Buffer Study Area (BSA)
     Map 4.  Agricultural and residential landuse in the BSA.  In this map the location of the park can be seen relative to the buffer study area (BSA) which contains most of the city limits of Hartville, Ohio. Due to lack of complete 1995  aerial photography  from the ODNR  the 1985 othophoto had to be used for the visualization of  the entire BSA.  The map identifies the transportation network of roads within the buffer study area.  The roads layer is used in most maps because it offers a reference for the map user.   The road system within the town of  Hartville can be observed in the southwest corner.
    Data from Portage and Stark  counties include the agricultural landuse within the BSA.  The largest areas of agricultural landuse are in Agricultural-Vacant and Cash-Grain.  There is a substantial amount of residential landuse.    There were large amounts of missing information from the Portage and Stark county  data.
    Map 5.  ODNR wetland habitats in the BSA.  The wetland habitat data from the ODNR Divison of Wildlife ERDAS data are visualized in this map.  Presence  of  endangered species at QHSP suggests that habitats within the park may be critical for wildlife and plant species  survival.  Acquiring similar habitat types within the BSA might enhance the survival of endangered species and other QHSP species.
     Fifty percent of the BSA is woods and wet woods habitats (Figure 13).  These areas are important for nesting for numerous bird species.  Shallow marsh wetland is preferred nesting for many duck species as well as habitat for frogs and other reptiles.  Shallow marsh wetland is also important for nutrients for many plant species including Spiral Pondweed, an endangered plant that thrives in the shallow marsh on the north boundary of QHSP.
     Wetland habitats can be identified by query and spatial analysis of the ODNR wetland data.  Maps and queries of the data are incorporated into a  Habitat Acquisition Model (HAM) discussed in the following chapter.

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