Chapter VIII
Concluding Remarks
In this thesis three principal areas were examined
in the creation of the QHSP GIS; A) data acquisition and conversion;
B) interpretation and display of data layers; and C) manipulation
and query of data to identify management options involving
animal and plant species using the Habitat Acquisition
Model (HAM).
A GIS for a park can be assembled by accumulation
of data in several formats. In this thesis the conversion of
data required significant costs, time, and expertise. In larger applications
of GIS within government agencies and private corporations these
costs can increase dramatically. Digital data sources such as the
Ohio Department of Natural Resources ERDAS imagery, Natural Heritage data,
and USGS DLG data were shown to be reliable sources. The USGS
DEM data were too coarse and they had flaws that made them useless for
the study area. There were questions as to the accuracy of agricultural
and land value data obtained from Stark and Portage county governments.
With the use of overlay techniques and query analyses,
decision criteria and alternatives can be displayed graphically for park
managers. These graphic representations of real-world scenarios based
on environmental and wildlife considerations can be a useful and
valuable tool in the planning process. Identifying Sharp-shinned
hawk habitat and Spiral Pondweed location are just two of many applications
utilizing the QHSP Habitat Acquisition Model. The habitats identified
using spatial overlay techniques suggests areas that may require
special management and/or acquisition or preservation.
Acquiring new acreage to expand park boundaries
involves delicate negotiations with private land owners. Maps can
be a useful tool in these negotiations. The maps produced in this
thesis provide information visualized in a real-world geographic
perspective. ARCVIEW GIS software is extremely efficient in transferring
map queries to map products.
This thesis applied the identification of habitats
and acquisition scenarios to the relatively small reserve of Quail
Hollow State Park. Expanding this application to all nature
reserves in Ohio would provide a state-wide model for habitat planning
and acquisition strategies.
This thesis can be used as a guide for planners
and managers of nature reserves to become more familiar with the
functions and capabilities of GIS. The research does not imply that
Quail Hollow State Park should have its own specialized GIS. Data
used in this thesis are available from the ODNR and can be used in
coordinated efforts with the GIS departments within ODNR.
Software such as ARC/INFO and ARCVIEW were shown
to be very efficient for use in data conversion, manipulation, display,
and query of the data in this study. Other software companies such
as ERDAS, Intergraph, and Mapinfo, also produce GIS software that may
produce similar results. Whatever software is used, it remains
critical to have trained and experienced personnel who are knowledgeable
of data conversion techniques and GIS spatial analytical concepts.
GIS will likely increase in use for numerous applications in
park management, landscape ecology, natural resources, wildlife biology,
geology and hydrology. The functionality of GIS as a tool applied
with sound geographic principles will hopefully lead to increased
interest and knowledge within these and other scientific disciplines.